LNCC Certification

About the LNCC Exam

About the LNCC® Certification Information Handbook

The LNCC Exam Handbook is available for download to help you prepare for the LNCC exam administration. The LNCC® Handbook contains important information about the Legal Nurse Consultant Certified (LNCC® ) certification program and its fees, policies, and procedures. It is the responsibility of each applicant to read this information and retain a copy for future reference. Download the handbook here.

ALNCCB launched a new online application, to apply for the LNCC exam click here.

Eligibility Criteria

To become a Legal Nurse Consultant Certified (LNCC® ), the ALNCCB requires that a candidate meets all eligibility criteria, complete the application, pay all fees, and achieve a passing score on the certification examination. No individual shall be excluded from the opportunity to participate in ALNCCB' s certification program on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, age, or disability.

To be eligible to take the examination, candidates must have the following at the time of application:

  • current licensure as a registered nurse in the United States or its territories, with a full and unrestricted license
  • a minimum of five years of experience practicing as a registered nurse
  • evidence of 2000 hours of legal nurse consulting experience within the past five years.

Those who meet the eligibility criteria and successfully complete the examination will earn the Legal Nurse Consultant Certified (LNCC® ) credential.

Eligibility Criteria Guidelines

The following guidelines are intended to provide a framework for defining experience that meets the eligibility criteria for LNCC certification. They are based on the Scope and Standards for the Legal Nurse Consulting Practice (October 1995) published by the AALNC. The activities that satisfy the eligibility requirement for 2000 hours of legal nurse consulting experience must meet all three of the following criteria:

  1. The activities must be performed at the request of a client (e.g., a law firm, insurance company, hospital, or other agency involved in legal processes), and
  2. The activities must be related to claims or cases in which the education and experience of a registered nurse are necessary, and
  3. The activities must be of the kind that is generally considered billable.

Examples of these activities are:

  • Collecting, organizing, and reviewing medical records and other relevant healthcare or legal documents.
  • Summarizing and analyzing the information in medical records and other relevant healthcare or legal documents.
  • Assessing issues of liability, causation, and/or damages.
  • Researching relevant healthcare-related literature, guidelines, standards, regulations, etc.
  • Communicating verbally or in writing with clients, appropriate parties, experts, and witnesses.
  • Identifying, locating, evaluating, and conferring with experts.
  • Conferring with clients and appropriate parties regarding case strategies.
  • Drafting documents or other materials to be used as attorney work product or as evidence.
  • Attending interviews, depositions, hearings, mediations, arbitrations, or trials.
  • Contacting and conferring with vendors to develop demonstrative evidence or to collect costs of health care services, supplies, and/or equipment.
  • Testifying at depositions, hearings, arbitrations, or trials.
  • Training or supervising other nurses in the practice of legal nurse consulting.
  • Explaining the theory and practice of relevant health sciences or healthcare issues to legal professionals and other members of the legal team.
  • Instructing other healthcare professionals in the aspects of legal liability pertaining to their own practice.

Activities which may be potentially billable but may NOT be used to satisfy this eligibility requirement are:

  • Traveling to and from sites to perform any of the above activities.
  • Accounting and billing as part of managing a business.
  • Marketing as part of managing a business.
  • Solely waiting to give testimony.

Content Outline and Scope

Domain Number of Questions
Medical Malpractice 41
Personal Injury 25
Long Term Care Litigation / Elder Law 18
Product Liability 16
Toxic Tort 13
Workers' Compensation 16
Risk Management 14
Life Care Planning 12
Regulatory Compliance 14
Medicare Set-Aside (MSA) 11


Scope Number of Questions
Identify and Collect Data 45
Analyze Data 63
Draft Documents 45
Participate in Case Strategy Development 18
Participate in Adjudication of Legal Claims 9


Examination Process

The certification examination is based on an analysis of legal nurse consulting practice. The practice analysis and the examination were developed with the assistance of SMT. The test consists of 200 multiple choice items and is approximately 4 hours in length. It is designed to test the nurse' s ability to apply legal nurse consulting knowledge. Questions are in the form of single response multiple choice and case studies; a reading passage is followed by one or more questions related to the passage.

For additional information on examination eligibility please contact ALNCCB Headquarters at info@aalnc.org.